Sankirtan in Dhotis and Sankirtan meditation
On the skt festival in Simhacalam in Germany which was held at the end of December we had a very nice association with Anakadundubhi prabhu from Italy. He is distributing books for many years only in dhoti. This marathon he distributed more than 4 000 maha-big books door to door of course in dhoti. In this connection I want to add a small realisation. Once during skt meeting here in Czech Rep. Gurumaharaja told us that as we worship...
Sankirtan in Dhotis and Sankirtan Meditation
On the skt festival in Simhacalam in Germany which was held at the end of December we had a very nice association with Anakadundubhi prabhu from Italy. He is distributing books for many years only in dhoti. This marathon he distributed more than 4 000 maha-big books door to door of course in dhoti. In this connection I want to add a small realisation. Once during skt meeting here in Czech Rep. Gurumaharaja told us that as we worship...
“One who is inquisitive, he should be given chance.”
I heard that Srila Prabhupada once said, 'there are brahmanas at every corner. You just have to pick them up." The following story, which happened last month in Nice (France), illustrates this point. I was standing on the street at the entrance of a very large and busy electronic/music store called "La FNAC." One young man with a pony tail walked by me, heading inside the store. I stopped him and I showed him Srimad...
The Guide of all devotees
I was distributing in the airport and it was becoming very frustrating, no one would take a book. Then I started to chant a verse that usually comes to mind during these times: tat te 'nukampmˆ susamiksamano bhunjmna evmtma-kritam vipmkam ...
News from Slovenia
Here in Ljubljana many wonderful things had happened last year. We had wonderful Padayatra and after that Slo Yatra – camp in the mountains on which we had great mercy and we all felt very inspired. There were a few olders devotees who were away for some time but after atending Yatra they are all coming back. Lomancita Prabhu still has a few loans to pay back but after he is very determant to again join full time in the mission...