Checz Stories from the marathon
Vidyavacaspati prabhu brahmacari (51 year old) met one young crazy boy and showed him our books. Then the boy in a crazy manner started to speak: "No! No! No! I cannot read these books, I cannot read these esoteric books, my psychiatrist won't allowed me." Vidya with fatherlike compassion looked at him and said "My dear boy, don't speak like a fool. These books can really cure you." The boy started to look...
Prabhupada’s Books go where They want
Last month, while doing door to door in a University dormitory in Montpellier, France, I knocked at one door, and a young lady opened. When I showed her the books, she said, "Oh, my boyfriend is really into Krishna." Sometimes, we hear things like "Oh, my friend is really into India," or "my friend is really into Eastern philosophy," or "my friend is really into meditation and yoga," but rarely...
Czech Sankirtan Stories
Dear vaisnavas, please accept my humble obbeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada. Here are some skt stories from czech devotees who distributed Srila Prabhupadas book and Krsnas prasadam. These stories are from this marathon and from period before marathon. I also want to apologize that my english is not perfect. I was distributing in one industrial city and in the late afternoon suddenly one lady seeing me that I am distributing...
Adventures in Neverland
I always get inspired by Prabhu's memory.. I tried again last December to distribute books in Japan.. I don't know if it could be deemed a marathon, but I did get out a few times. In Japan the people are the most receptive while out in the "nomiya" (drinking market). I chose one where the richest people in OSAKA hang out.. For instance there is a necktie shop where the cheapest ones are 150 dollars. The parking lot...
Thank you!
Dear exalted Prabhu's, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I want to thank you all for your participation in the Prabhupada Marathon commemorating the 108th appearance of Srila Prabhupada. I'm sure there were many wonderful moments exchanged with the conditioned souls as well as some trying times. That we go on year after year during the hard times and the nectar times is a sign of love, and a...