Los Angeles Marathon news
Dear devotees, the Marathon here in LA is fully on, Brghupati Prabhu yesterday distributed 112 big Bhagavad Gita's and 75 big books, he's our inspiration. Although he's 52 years old, he has so much energy you would tink he is 19, he's in transendental samadhi. Then there's Dvarakesh das from South India who has only been distributing for the past 8 months, every day for the past 3 days of the marathon has been...
Sincere Preacher is not affected by material influences
Material enjoyment achieved by dint of one`s fruitive activities differs from material enjoyment given by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. A devotee sometimes appears to be in a very opulent position, but he accepts that position to follow the orders of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore a devotee is never affected by material influences. The devotees in the Krsna consciousness movement are preaching all over the world...
A Few short stories by Tulasi Devi Dasi
I tried to speak to one man who quickly said, "No. No time! I said, "No time? What's your job"? "Drug salesman". "Really, what's the biggest selling product"? "Maalox (for ulcers). "No time? You better take time to read this book or you'll gave to take Maalox like everyone else". He then said, "You're right". And quickly took a book and gave a donation. I was...
The State of Divine Love
Only a person who is fully in Krsna consciousness can be said to be engaged in welfare work for all living entities. When a person is actually in the knowledge that Krsna is the fountainhead of everything, then when he acts in that spirit he acts for everyone. The sufferings of humanity are due to forgetfulness of Krsna as the supreme enjoyer, the supreme proprietor, and the supreme friend. Therefore, to act to revive this...
The Marathon
Dear Prabhu's, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Happy are the Sankirtan devotees to whom such Prabhupada Marathon's come unsought, opening for them the doors to the spiritual world. Arjuna didn't want to fight in the Battle of Kuruksetra, but Krsna knew what was best for him and the rest of society and thus He instructed him on the art of surrender. Distributing transcendental knowledge...