Transendental fire in Slovenia

Transendental fire in Slovenia

Dear Prabhus! Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Here in Ljubljana we are preparing for the Prabhupada Marathon in December. With our travelling group we went in Germany and attended a one week sankirtan seminar. It was held by Mangal Maya Prabhu, an old SK hero. His association was a great inspiration and for new devotees to distribute on the streets in Germany was also a great adventure. We had also...

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Inspiration for Preachers

Inspiration for Preachers

Dear prabhu's, During my BG study I bumped into this wonderful purport by Srila Prabhupada BG 11.55 A devotee of Krsna is friendly to everyone. Therefore it is said here that he has no enemy. How is this? A devotee situated in Krsna consciousness knows that only devotional service to Krsna can relieve a person from all the problems of life. He has personal experience of this, and therefore he wants to introduce this system, Krsna...

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Krsna will bless you a million times over for doing this work

Krsna will bless you a million times over for doing this work

Letter Jan 1st 1972 My Dear Kesava das, Please accept my blessings. I have received your two letters, one dated December 15, 1971 and the other without date, requesting initiation and sacred threads for many boys. So as you have recommended them I will be sending their new names, beads, and threads in a few days. I have been receiving so many reports about how my disciples of the San Francisco Temple cannot be surpassed by anyone in...

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The Glorious Sankirtan Devotees

The Glorious Sankirtan Devotees

Hare Krsna prabhus. This is bhakta shaun from Ottawa. Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prahbupada. It seems to me that sometimes the book distributors get all the glory and the people cooking, cleaning, managing etc… get none. Well I can say from my own experience that If you get no glory that is Krsna's blessing sometimes. I often have devotees tell me how good it is that I do books etc… and...

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Thank you for Helping me

Thank you for Helping me

Letter to: Jayadvaita   Hyderabad 18 November, 1972 72-11-18 New York My dear Jayadvaita, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated October 31, 1972, along with the latest copy of Back To Godhead #49, which I have read carefully and have appreciated to my complete satisfaction. I am so glad to know that you and the others at ISKCON Press are doing so wonderfully service in...

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