No time to retire in Vrindavan!

No time to retire in Vrindavan!

Retire in Vrindavan? Do you realize that Vrindavan's preaching zone is the most populated area in the world, and we have just a handful of dedicated book distributors to slightly scratch the surface here! There are so many thousands of pilgrims visiting Vrindavan that no book distributor could possibly dream of retiring here. Not only that, our zone of U.P., M.P., and Rajasthan is practically starving for preachers and book...

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"The people might not understand our message. But Krishna will be pleased. And that is our mission. They thought Jesus Christ`s mission was stopped. They killed him. But his mission was attained. He preached three years only, but so many followers – He pleased Krishna. We must not be disappointed that no one is hearing Krishna Consciousness. We will say it to the moon and stars and all directions. We will cry in the...

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Dhoti SKP

Dhoti SKP

Hari bol prabhus, Even from a cultural point of view, some people enjoy the experience of meeting a devotee in a dhoti or a sari. For me, in my experience, it was always purifying to distribute books and preach while wearing a dhoti and purifying for the onlooker as well. Prabhupada has indicated that our appearance with dhoti, tilak, tulsi beads, shaved head and sika; or sari; reminds the conditioned soul of Krsna and consequently...

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by Tattvavit Das Jyoti Prabhu, a French devotee who now preaches in Brussels, used to play tournament chess. He quit playing after he became a devotee because he would become so absorbed in the game that he forgot about his devotional schedule and would arrive late for his services. He does book distrubtion sometimes, and once he was distributing at a man's house, where he saw a chess set. The man was reluctant to buy books, so...

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Demigods help the devotees – story from travelling sankirtan in Londo

Demigods help the devotees – story from travelling sankirtan in Londo

Here is a nice story that happened to us a few weeks ago on travelling Sankirtan: " A demigod takes pleasure in seeing someone go back to Godhead. He is always pleased with the devotee of the Lord, so much so that by his adhidaivic powers he may help the devotees in all respects. And by their actions, the Lord is pleased with them. There is an invisible chain of complete cooperation between the Lord, the demigods and the devotee...

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