The 108th aniversary of Srila Prabhupada’s appearance

The 108th aniversary of Srila Prabhupada’s appearance

Upcoming events for mass book distribution By Vaisesika dasa (ACBSP) Eight years ago on Srila Prabhupada's centennial appearance, devotees all over the globe rallied to distribute more of Srila Prabhupada's books in one year than at any other time in history. Now that we've reached the 108th anniversary of the appearance of His Divine Grace, devotees everywhere are pulling out all the stops again in an effort to distribute...

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Captain Sankirtan

Captain Sankirtan

From Jaya Govinda das Iraq – As a Christian, Chaplain L. was real big on charity. Service to God meant service to man, so I decided that that was the angle from which I would 'get' him. After all, the best way to preach to someone is through the medium of their own beliefs, for they have no arguments against them. Sure enough, the topic came up, as it always did, at our next discussion group meeting. The chaplain brought...

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Krsna Balarama Prabhu in Moscow

Krsna Balarama Prabhu in Moscow

During the last few days, I had the good fortune of going out on book distribution in the cold streets and subways of Moscow with the number one book distributor in the entire world, namely his Grace Krsna Balarama Prabhu. Krsna Balarama Prabhu is quiet, reserved, and un-assuming, especially with devotees. By his meek behavior, nobody could recognize him as being a maharathi of Sankirtana. However, when he carries his pile of twenty...

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Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s instructions to Vasudeva Vipra

Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s instructions to Vasudeva Vipra

Although Vasudeva Vipra was a leper and had suffered greatly, still, after Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu cured him He instructed him to preach Krsna consciousness. Indeed, the only return the Lord wanted was that Vasudeva preach the instructions of Krsna and liberate all human beings. That is the process of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Each and every member of this Society was rescued from a very abominable...

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Dear Prabhu's, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. New Age people love the term synchronicity. It means when two related incidents happen, independantly and apparently by co-incidence, in a short space of time. I had this experience last week, while doing book distribution in Broome, a small tourist town up in the isolated north-west of Australia. While going door-to-door with Srila...

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