Los Angeles SD Newsletter Vol.3 Issue 22
IN MEMORY By Nandanandana däsa Prakasananda dasa was the first devotee in Mexico City and in all of Latin America. On the Saturday, Dvadasi, 13 of October, Prakasananda prabhu left his body at Srila Prabhupada’s quarters in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Prakasananda prabhu met and joined the pioneering devotees, Citsukhananda das, Bhutahrit dasa and Bhakta Jan, in 1971. During Srila Prabhupada’s first visit to Mexico, in...
Los Angeles SD Newsletter Vol.3 Issue 22
LILAS “G-Love and the Special Sauce” Jïäna-cakñuç däsa (USA) Dear Prabhus, Please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Here are two stories from the previous Friday, the 12th. While out with Bhakta (Rupa) Richard of Denver, we were talking about increasing the amount of donations that we would accept from the donators. The amount of $50 was thrown out. We went from the...
Los Angeles SD Newsletter Vol.3 Issue 22
attached is a photo of Sergio Canela and his son (at Govinda's in New Dvaraka) WHO ARE THEY SERGIO CANELA By Mahat-tattva däsa I would like to thank all of the devotees like Sergio Canela Prabhu for their supporting the Sastra Dana distribution of Srila Prabhupada’s books. It is by their mercy that we are able to engage ourselves and others in devotional activity of giving people a chance to contact the Lord through the...
Ahh Mormons!
Dear Prabhus, Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada. Doing books in Greece was super blissful. We did soft Gitas and Sri Isopanisads. When I saw that people were not interested I resorted to the old double reverse program by telling people that they definitely wouldn't enjoy the book and it was everything they weren't interested in and opposite of everything they believed in and whatever they do...
Interview with Brigupati Prabhu, October 2002
Dear Vijaya Prabhu, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Granted- I want name and fame. But I also want the book distributors world-wide to be pleased upon me. Some operate with the idea, "Krsna knows what I did; no need to tell anyone." But I operate with the idea that if devotees hear about my insignificant service, they will bestow their good wishes upon me, and that is my advancement. All...