For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada, from Czech Republic

For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada, from Czech Republic

Here are some stories from the sankirtan devotees in Czech Republic. Panca-tattva Dasa (Czech) wrote the following homage to Srila Prabhupada for his last vyasa-puja celebration: One afternoon I distributed your books in a full supermarket parking lot: the Hypernova store in Ostrov (the west part of Czech). I knocked on the window of a car. There sat a serious older man patiently waiting for his wife to finish a two-hour shopping...

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Intimate Connection with the Supersoul

Intimate Connection with the Supersoul

Once, at the L.A airport at Continental Airlines, Brigupati Prabhu and I were sitting in the airport seats, honoring prasadam as passengers walked by on the nearby isle way. At one point, an ordinary man passed, and Brigupati Prabhu stared at him for a long time. After this he turned to me and said, "Quickly! Go catch up to that guy over there! Sell him a Bhagavad Gita! He'll give you twenty dollars!" Without washing my...

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Full Surrender

Full Surrender

Haribol Prabhus! Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Recently, Niranjana Swami told me about an interesting person in Kiev, Ukraine. This person is an Orthodox Christian, but became attracted to Krsna consciousness after getting a book. He tried to live in the temple as brahmacari, but it was to foreign to him. So he went back to live in the Christian monastery, though still chanting sixteen rounds a...

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Godess Kali Priestess Gets the Mercy

Godess Kali Priestess Gets the Mercy

October 14, 2002 Haribol, Please accept my obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Here is one small book distribution story. Three of us from New Vrindavan had stopped off at a renaisance festival between Columbus, Oh and Cincinnati last weekend. As we were distributing from car to car during the incoming, I approached a really open minded looking young guy with his friends. I presented the Bhagavad Gita and started to explain,...

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Sankirtan in Turkey

Sankirtan in Turkey

While attending the Russian Vaisnava Festival I had the pleasure of meeting a devotee named Krishna Prema Dasa that goes back and forth across the Black Sea to do business in Turkey. Some months ago he was bringing in a trunk of Srimad Bhagavatams to distribute to the many people who speak Russian there. He had the books under other cargo and was hoping to slip by the Turkish authorities but was stopped by their customs agents. As the...

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