Los Angeles SD Newsletter VOL. 3, ISSUE 20

Los Angeles SD Newsletter VOL. 3, ISSUE 20

…LILAS… "BUDDHIMANTA" MEMORIES Päëòava vijaya däs (USA) Buddhimanta had never met Srila Prabhupada and the president of the San Franscisco temple, Kesava das thought he should since he was the "biggest" book distributor at that time. They were all in Los Angeles and Buddhimanta had just come in from a day of distributing Srila Prabhupada's books. He had distributed about 100...

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Los Angeles Sastra Dana Newsletter Volume 3, Issue 21

Los Angeles Sastra Dana Newsletter Volume 3, Issue 21

VANCA KALPA… ALL DECENT MEN By Mahat-tattva däs What follows is a summery of Dravida Prabhu’s talk delivered at the last Sastra Dana program on October 5th. Sastra Dana means giving charity of books. Srila Prabhupada was so successful because he was constantly giving. He didn’t come here to take but to give Krishna consciousness to as many as possible. Srila Prabhupada said that all DECENT men want to give...

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Los Angeles Sastra Dana Newsletter Volume 3, Issue 21

Los Angeles Sastra Dana Newsletter Volume 3, Issue 21

BOY GEORGE By jïäna-cakñus däs (USA) The following story took place some time back but it can still be used. The day was Saturday and we were at the Plaza in Kansas City. As we approached one group of men, the thought came to mind that they were either drivers or passengers on some bus. Mostly because of the badges they had dangling around their necks. This is common for public transport bus riders in the U.S. to...

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Los Angeles Sastra Dana Newsletter Volume 3, Issue 21

Los Angeles Sastra Dana Newsletter Volume 3, Issue 21

DISTRIBUTOR OF THE WEEK LAGUNA BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY By Maureen Maher Dear Sastra Dana devotees, Sri Krishna is so kind to have made a nice arrangement for Laguna Beach Public Library to receive a selection of Srila Prabhupada’s books. Here is how it came about. On one beautiful sunny Friday afternoon in September, I headed down the hill to the library on my first attempt at offering the Sastra Dana program to the staff. A little...

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The Potency of Prabhupada’s Books

The Potency of Prabhupada’s Books

October 9, 2001 Please accept my obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada's transcendental book distribution. I just wanted to share a nice experience we had in Athens, Ohio recently. My friend Mukunda Madhava and I were distributing books on the campus there, and I met one guy who was really interested and took a Quest for Enlightenment. He said he would pass it on to his friend, Luke. He told me that this friend of his had...

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