You Never Know who you Give a book to.
Hare Krsna Prabhus, Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada. As I was staying at the Kyiv temple in Ukraine a Prabhupada disciple named Misra Bhagavan das came to stay here as well. He began telling me about his life in and out of Krsna consciousness. He used to be on the Radha Damodara traveling party with Visnu Jon Swami and Tamal Krsna Maharaja, those good old days, but eventually because of the unusual...
Visvaretha Prabhu recall Book distribution in the 70’s in the USA
Buddhimanta Sankirtana Hero By Visvaretah Dasa The 100 degree fever of Sankirtana in the early 1970s in America can only be described as an epidemic. At one point, when we were completely out of Books, waiting for Dai Nippon's shipment of Krishna Books to arrive, the leader on the west coast, the pre-GBC mega-authority was Karandhara. His office was in the breezeway of the Temple in New Dvaraka. During mangal arti, the rumor...
Ukraine Book Distribution
Hare Krsna Prabhus, Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada. The devotees in Ukraine just had an great festival with over fifteen hundred devotees participating. Ten sanyasis were there to enliven the devotees. Niranjana Swami was the host Sanyasi as everyone was invited by him, thus after the first kirtan of the festival he introduced and glorified all the devotees that would be giving seminars, about...
Saved by the Catholics
In the Twenty-sixth Chapter of the Fifth Canto, Sukadeva Gosvami… has explained that people who commit sinful acts are forced to enter hellish planets and suffer. Now Maharaja Parikshit, being a devotee, is concerned with how this can be stopped. A Vaisnava is para-dukha-dukhi in other words, he has no personal troubles, but he is very unhappy to see others in trouble. Prahlada Maharaja said, “My Lord, I have no...
Before Going out, a prayer is said
Ambarisa Prabhu, an unassuming and humble devotee, has been one of the steadiest leading book distributors in Moscow for many years. Every day before going on book distribution he recites the poem that Srila Prabhupada composed at Boston Pier, expressing feelings of helplessness and deep compassion for the fallen souls. Ambarish Prabhu tries to enter into that mood before going out to engage in Srila Prabhupada's mission. Several...