SD Los Angeles Newsletter Vol. 3, Issue 19
ANONYMOUS By Mahat-tattva däs A few days ago we were in Santa Monica, 3rd Street Promenade where we usually go to perform harinama-sankirtana. That day as every other day we had our standard setup with four devotees sitting on the floor, one playing harmonium, one mridanga and two devotees playing caratalas. Little aside to our left was our book table where beside the books we sell tapes and CDs of our own bhajans. After two...
From Mumbai
Braja Bihari Prabhu the sankirtan leader of Radha Gopinatha Mandir in Chowpatti India has sent this sankitan lila: "We were euphoric and I hadn't realized I had not slept for two nights. We were swept away by the sales in one company. Touching an unprecedented high for our bus party. It was non-stop excitement for us, to say the least." With permission available for setting up book stalls in many companies, we overlooked...
Ratha Yatra Los Angeles
Hari Hari We just had a really nice Ratha Yatra here in LA, they say it was the biggest ever. I was at the book both, behind me was a full set of the Srimad Bhagavatam so I started meditating on how nice it would be if I could distribute it. A half hour later an Indian man came to the table. I asked him if he had the Bhagavad Gita, he said he did, I then asked him if he liked to read, he did. That was all I needed to hear, I started...
Prague, Czech
I was on a train to Prague from Berlin, while I was in my compartment chanting gayatri a young man steps in and ask if he could come in because someone in the other compartment is smoking. I invite him in and he starts a conversation while I'm chanting gayatri, what to do. Then as he's eating his cake I take it as a chance to finish. Then we started talking, it turns out that he is from Culver City California, where I was...
Los Angeles. SD Newsletter Vol. 3, Issue 16
SRILA PRABHUPADA LOCAL LIBRARIES Letter to Jagadisa I am so pleased to know that your efforts at placing our books in the local libraries is successful and it is especially heartening to learn that they already have got our books on their shelves. EVERYTHING WILL BE DESTROYED Srimad Bhagavatam 6.10.6 Cäëakya Paëòita says, san-nimitte varaà tyägo vinäçe niyate sati: everything within this...