New Amazing price for ISKCON Interactive DVD!

New Amazing price for ISKCON Interactive DVD!

For the ones who could not afford it before – new amazing price $49.95 (was $189.95) for the ISKCON Interactive DVD (while supplies last)!!! Get yours today! Never has there been a product so colorful, so active — so interactive — as the amazing ISKCON Interactive DVD. This brilliant audio/visual anthology of the society's worldwide activities is the perfect entertainment,...

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Air Tme

Air Tme

This LA-Boston plane flight proved to be another one of those unexpected arrangements. We often attempt to serve Krsna on 'our time' when in actuality we are meant for service on 'His time'. While having finally reached our aisle seat, I focused on some quiet chanting as this corporate lady next to me began this loud conversation with this Corvette car collector in the window seat. The dialogue ranged from cars to...

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Preaching Strategies

Preaching Strategies

Maybe we could make the Mayapura festival along such themes. "To advance the supremacy of God's word at the onset of the twenty first century, Jehovah's Witnesses are organizing three day conventions this summer, with the theme, "Teacher's of God's Word", to which millions will attend worldwide….. The convention program parts are designed to imress upon those who attend the importance of becoming...

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Prabhupada Lilamrita

Prabhupada Lilamrita

Some lila, Last saturday I met an older mexican man at termimnal six and handed him the Srimad Bhagavatam. He told me: "Oh I know this man. I read his lifestory, so unbelievable that he came with so many years to create such a big movement here in America." So I kept talking to him a little more and he revealed to me that he was defending the rights of the workers of the airport. Especially the foreign people are exploited...

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Remembering Prabhupada

Remembering Prabhupada

Dear Prabhus, Something happened to me in the Los Angeles Airport that made me think. I was distributing books on terminal one and talking to some lady when I heard somebody say:"They are completely bogus!" and I saw some older man pass by. So afterwards I thought: Wasn't it actually Srila Prabhupada who introduced this word for challenging the mayavadis? Perhaps somebody can confirm my idea and inspire me with some lila...

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