Koln Book Distribution

Koln Book Distribution

Hare Krsna Prabhus, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. It was just suggested to me by Tattvavit Prabhu (a disciple of Srila Prabhupada) that I could make the conference more interesting if I send messages that mention where I am and how the book distribution is going in that particular place. I'm now in Koln (Cologne), Germany, one of the strongholds of book distribution in Europe. Mangal Maya...

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The Missing Link…The Follow Up and Character Cultivation

The Missing Link…The Follow Up and Character Cultivation

One event leads to another One Wednesday the LA skp crew went to one of the Warp tour concerts outside of SanDiego and after the incoming of cars, Bhrigupati and myself decided to visit one devotee named Radhanatha das who became a disciple of Srila Prabhupada at the age of 16. He lives off the beaten path up in the mountains next to the Cleveland National Forest near a cluster of Indian reservations. For the last 20 years this...

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Very Interesting Praphupada Quote & Samadhi Lila

Very Interesting Praphupada Quote & Samadhi Lila

The word ätma-bhävita also indicates that a devotee is always engaged in preaching to deliver conditioned souls. It is said of the six Gosvämés: nänä-sästra-vicäranaika-nipunau sad-dharma-samsthäpakau lokänà hita-kärinau. A pure devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is always thinking of how fallen, conditioned souls can be delivered. The Supreme Personality of...

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The Missing Link…The Follow Up and Character Cultivation

The Missing Link…The Follow Up and Character Cultivation

Below is a sample of one form of follow up. What can be noted here is that 'the cultivation' does not only involve the persons that are contacted on the street level, but those who can come to a regular medium of public interaction where they can get to know you(one day a week will not suffice). For example in LA most of the books distributed are at the airport where in most cases you will not see those individuals again...

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Summer news from Finland

Summer news from Finland

Please accept our humble obeisances all glories to Srila Prabhupada Many times it is painful to see how tv is guru to people. But luckily this time this also this tendency was engaged in a service of sankirtan. Some 3 weeks ago there was very positive tv-program. One grhasta couple, Gopinatha prabhu and Rasarani dd and couple brahmacaries were interviewed, there was discussion of basic philosophy, Srimati Tulsi devi in studio,...

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