Book Distribution from Mumbai

Book Distribution from Mumbai

"We Just can't do it!!" Bhakta Parimal rejected the proposal. As they turned to me, I flustered, ", I mean" I was not sure myself. Vitthaldeva Prabhu insisted, "Prabhus, this is the best time to do it. Let's just go for it". We had our apprehension, although we knew it wasn't a bad idea after all. We wondered how the crazy Mumbaiites would react. Will the people appreciate our...

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Starting a Discusion

Starting a Discusion

Dear devotees and Candrasekhar prabhu, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I liked your point about giving a very straight forward presentation of yourself as a representative of ISKCON when disributing Prabhupada's books. I did stickers and a few books nine years ago. I am indebted to the devotees who gave me the opportunities to do this service, but it was more or less explained to me that if I...

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The Missing Link…The Follow Up and Character Cultivation

The Missing Link…The Follow Up and Character Cultivation

Over the years so many seeds have been planted in the form of Srila Prabhupada's books but unfortunately the follow up in the watering of these beginnings has not been a priority. Distribution is a perfect formula but minus the cultivation places a governor upon the full throttle potential of the sankirtan yajna. As one must read the books in order to truly distribute them, the next stage of individual and collective nurturing...

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Time Bombs

Time Bombs

TIME BOMBS Srila Prabhupada called his books, "time bombs." The people buy them, and in due course of time, they explode. 20 years ago, Mr. Ragbir Singh, a current aspiring disciple of His Holiness Bhakti Caru Swami, was walking casually down Oxford Street in London. All of a sudden, a charming Western lady dressed in a sari approached him and gave him a "Sri Isopanisad" in exchange for a donation. Mr. Singh never...

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Tranad api

Tranad api

Dear Vasudeva Datta Prabhu, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Thanks for your insightful story. It has helped me to assess my own consciousness. To the list of those that it's difficult to be humble with I would add one's spouse (if one has one). Familiarity can lead to contempt. As you know, because of their purity the six gosvamis were dear to the gentle and to the ruffians. Thanks again!...

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