The Power of Brigupati Prabhu
Brigupati Prabhu, the grandfather Bhisma of Sankirtana (26 years of book distribution- almost all of which as full-time book distribution), who lives in New Dwarka and who goes to the LAX airport everyday to bless numberless souls with Srila Prabhupada's books, says something and that thing becomes true immediately: Several months ago, I was sitting with him in one of the seats in the United Airlines terminal, having lunch. In the...
A Nectar Concert in North Carolina
Last Saturday night Mathura Prabhu (a local devotee from the Hillsborough temple community), Bhakta Shoban from Mumbai and myself drove to Charlotte to try to distribute books at a large Rave concert. As we were driving, it was raining like anything. We got to the large parking lot early and by Krsna's Divine Grace, it suddenly stopped raining as soon as the first cars full of SWEET SWEET innocent young american teenagers started...
Book Distribution Nectar from the US
I sold 2 books to 2 young lady students on the college street near Duke University (North Carolina)last Sunday. I invited them to come to the Siva Ratri festival that evening. They said "yes" and sure enough, they came that very evening. Garuda Prabhu was giving the lecture when they arrived. After it, one of the girls told me "you know, that man who gave the lecture tonight, he is my my Eastern religions professor at...
Excerpt from the Los Angeles Sastra Dana newsletter
Oh, your intense love for me. I am living for you. All over the world everything is going on. Money is coming and being spent. And I don’t have to worry. I am so much indebted. And I am taking much service from you all. That is a brhad-mrdanga; I am beating from my room and the sound goes ten thousand miles away. (Quotation 28 in Just As I Have Shown You (Mayapur, 1986)) Without literature, how can we enlighten the people at...
My Sankirtan Story and One More Thing… By ‘Happymonk’
MY SANKIRTAN STORY and ONE MORE THING… By 'Happymonk' (Bhakta Ricardo) Los Angeles Hare Krishna Prabhus, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. My sankirtan story: I was at TWA terminal and I see this fortysomething year old guy with his daughter (maybe about 10) and his son (around 6 or 7 years old) so I was kind of hesitant to stop them 'cause…well, parents just have this thing...