From inquirer to leader
Many years ago, I was in front of the San Diego temple when a devotee asked me if I could speak to a guest who only understood Spanish. The guest had received a book from someone in Mexico and had some questions he wanted answered. By looking in the back of the book he found the address to the San Diego temple, which was closer to him than the temples in Mexico, so he decided to visit. To enter the US, go to the temple, and then...
The potential for book distribution at funerals in India
Am I the first to discover the potential for book distribution at funerals in India? Diagonally across the street from my place, a few months ago a new family moved into what my (late) sociologist sister might have called lower to lower middle-class accommodations. In that time period, I noticed one of the family’s elder members becoming increasingly weak and once or twice being helped into an auto-rickshaw, obviously for a trip to...
The Gita reaches a man with another Gita
Mahananda Murari Prabhu was talking to people when he felt the good energy of Lucas and Manu, who passed by. He wished that he would have the opportunity to approach them later. So he was then happy when they reappeared in front of him. Wasting no time, he discovered that they are really nice. When he told them that he had seen them before, they responded, amusingly, “Really? Did we pass by you? Even though you’re so big...
Nice encounter at an outdoor table
On harinama in Porto Alegre, Manohara Saciputra Prabhu, the temple president, was called over by a lady named Cléia, to talk to her at her restaurant table. At that point in the harinama, he had run out of invitation cards and pamphlets with the temple’s new address, so Cléia asked him to write the address on paper. Manohara had just been chanting at the harinama, and he also had no books with him at the moment. She determinedly...
WSNL for August 2023
The big news for August is that a 72-year-old devotee was the No. 1 book distributor, and this isn’t his first time. Bhrgupati Prabhu did 6,666 book points, going out to college campuses for five hours, five days a week. Yesterday, for example, he collected over $1,200 and distributed over a hundred books. Bhrgupati gets Krsna’s mercy. Now for the world. In the Large Temple category, the No. 1 temple was Mayapur, which did 129,795...