The Gita revelation
Standing on a corner, surrounded by skyscrapers, people in business suits, cars honking horns, and the scattered homeless people, we felt a bit peculiar handing out the Bhagavad-gita to all passers-by. The only thing we could do in such a situation was to pray for a miracle. I was accompanied by veteran book distributor Bhrgupati Prabhu. Although the environment was bitter and harsh, his association kept me clearheaded and healthy. As...
Distributing books at an exhibit at Ratha yatra in LA
A woman came by the table at the vegetarian exhibit at the Los Angeles Ratha-yatra and picked up three books and gave a nice donation. When I asked what brought her over to buy the books, she said that she'd been listening at the Question and Answer booth and was impressed by the speaker's knowledge. One man came to my book table with his children. After surveying the exhibit, he looked me right in the eye and said, "What...
We will edit your stories, so send them, please, and inspire many
As I travel around the world trying to encourage book distribution, the devotees thank me so much for this book distribution google group, because, they say, the stories inspire them to go out to give Krsna’s message. Many of the experiences devotees have on book distribution are so nice, so naturally other devotees are inspired by them. Unfortunately many book distributors are keeping their experiences to themselves. Please,...
The most interesting Krsna and another life saved
I was distributing at a touristy area in Denver Colorado when I approached a man offering him the Bhagavad Gita. He said, “No, not interested.” So I asked him, “Do you know what it is?” “No.” “Then how do you know you’re not interested?” “Good point, alright show it to me.” I showed him the pictures and explained a little. Then He said, “This is actually very...
The beginning
From Mitra das conversation with Jambavan das Jambavan was in SF when book distribution started. The temple was broke, the rent took all the money they had, there was nothing left for food or anything else. Keshava, the temple president got some wooden begging bowls and cheap rose incense sticks and sent us to Market and Powell. We’d collect a little out there to keep us going a little longer. We ran out of Back To Godhead...