Good Friday Magic

Good Friday Magic

Today I went to Newtown, Wellington, to distribute books. As soon as I arrived I noticed that most shops were closed and the streets were quiet. I had forgotten that it was Good Friday! After a few exchanges on the street, I decided to go door to door. I knocked at the first door and waited to see who Krishna would arrange for us to meet. A moment later I met James and Emily, a nice young kiwi couple. They had actually just sold the...

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Waka Flocka, a heavy rapper, reaches out for books

Waka Flocka, a heavy rapper, reaches out for books

Recently, while distributing books at the Ockechobee music festival in Florida, something fascinating happened. Around 5:30 pm, I had already finished distributing. All of a sudden a thought came to mind: “Try to distribute Prabhupada's books to Waka.” Last year, while I was distributing books on the Warped tour, I was handed a pamphlet promoting vegetarianism. I looked through it. There were quotes by famous people,...

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Two in Toronto, Tony and Marcia, get books

Two in Toronto, Tony and Marcia, get books

Tony, a former student of electrical engineering, is now studying acting. He responded to my question, "Hey, do you like to read?" with a hearty "Yes, I love to. What do you have there?" From there, our conversation never looked back on a refusal. Tony continued to ask questions and accept books. He told me he is very logical: "If you can't prove it, I can't believe it." When I spoke of changing...

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Water-management professional orders four thousand Gitas

A water-management professional visited the ISKCON Delhi Temple. He mentioned the future water problems coming our way, especially in India and China. Then Gopal Krishna Goswami arrived at the scene, met this water-management professional and sympathized with him regarding the problem. Gopal Krishna Goswami preached to him about the solution in the Bhagavad-gita. The real solution is to perform sacrifice. The water-management...

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World Sankirtan Newsletter Feb 2017

World Sankirtan Newsletter Feb 2017

Hare Krsna! Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! What came over the devotees in Punjabi Bhag? I can’t figure out how they did so big: over five times more than the No. 2 temple in the world in February. An inconceivable 104,237 book points! Special mercy was flowing at this medium-size temple in New Delhi. Good news in Vrindavan: Rohininandana Balarama Prabhu distributes books in Srila Prabhupada’s...

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