Babies Alot Store Participates in Sastra Dana
by Mahat-tattva dasa
Mr. Chugani is a devotee of Krishna who grew up in India and eventually moved to the U.S. where he started a business with his father. He has several stores that provide all the things babies, young children, and pregnant moms need. His stores are located in indoor shopping malls in different parts of the Los Angeles County. We've noticed that the stores are spacious, clean, colorful, and attractive to young mothers. They are called Babies A Lot.
Although his business takes much of his time, Mr. Chugani enthusiastically finds time to personally supervise the two book racks we placed in his stores. One is in an area predominantly inhabited by Spanish speaking population, and the other one in the area mostly inhabited by English speaking population. As Mr. Chugani predicted, the rack with Spanish books is doing very, very well. It's distributing books faster then the other one, though the English one is doing quite fine. When the racks start running low on books he has his staff refill them. And when his spare stock of books is almost finished he personally takes the time out of his busy schedule to get more books from Sastra Dana.
Mr. Chugani considers the book distribution an important service for Krishna's pleasure. He looks at it as a privilege and a form of mercy. That's why he personally wants to tend to the racks, making sure the books are going out, and the racks are restocked.
The cover picture shows Mario, a manager of one of Mr. Chugani's stores. A few months ago, Mario was given a new responsibility to oversee the book rack in the store and report to Mr. Chugani when the books start running low.
Mr. Chugani also donates generously to Sastra Dana.
On behalf of the Sastra Dana staff, we would like to thank him for his wonderful service to the preaching mission, the spreading of Krishna consciousness through book distribution. We would also like to thank him for his devotional enthusiasm. May Lord Krishna shower His blessings upon him.
We still have a few racks left before we make another batch and would like to invite our readers to volunteer to manage a rack. To find out more about what this service involves please visit, or contact Maha-tattva Dasa (310-895-0104) or email We would like to offer our thanks to Sastra Dana for submission of this article.