Back in the Nectar of Book Distribution

Bhagavad Gitas

Hari bol Prabhus,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I've been back from India for a few weeks. Even though I've been distributing books for thirty years, if I haven't done it for a while (this time seven weeks) it's a little difficult to get back into it. But it didn't take long. The first person I distributed a Bhagavad-gita to was very enthusiastic to read it, so much so that after he got it he walked by me, going to his next class, reading it, then an hour later he walked by again still reading it as he was walking. It was so nice to see someone who had previously not heard anything about Krsna be so absorbed. Then he came by and was asking questions about it. I got his e-mail,and we'll be in touch. Krsna encouraged me with that first person I spoke to after returning. Then so many interested people were coming and taking books. Book distribution is so ecstatic.

While I was at my table a person came by and said, "Last year I told you I was going to come back and get a book from you, I know it's a little late, but here's a donation." He gave $20 and took a BG. It's pretty amazing that he remembered from a year before.

I mentioned earlier that I get e-mails from students and send out letters to them. I recently received one after sending one out about "Being kind to everyone":

Blessings Vijaya Dasa,

Welcome back home! I met you on January 28, this year over at Cal State LA and I picked up a Bhagavad-Gita from you for a modest donation. I've been reading it some, but not as much as I should, I'm going to continue reading this great treasure. You may remember me, you may not. I just have to tell you how much I appreciate receiving your inspiring and uplifting emails and I save each one you send me, I've created a folder with your name on it in my computer. Be kind to everyone, that seems so impossible from my vantage point, yet I sense that this is true. My dear brother, I appreciate you for your commitment to the Lord Krishna and the selfless service you are endeavoring to live every day.

Blessings Ananda,

NAMASTE! Om – Ananda

Yesterday I was speaking to a student about the BG, that it explains things like meditation, karma, time, nature, the soul and God. I asked him if he believed in God. He said, "No, I'm an atheist."

I said, "OK, then this book is especially for you."

He said, "Really."

"Yes, this will clear up some misconceptions." To my surprise he then gave a donation and took a BG.

Srila Prabhupada is very merciful.

Krsne matir astu.

Your servant,

Vijaya Dasa

Author: admin

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