Bali, Indonesia
Although the island of Bali has only about four million people, there are more than four thousand devotees here, and many are active book distributors. Two days after I arrived they held the Prabhupada Marathon awards ceremony. Fifty devotees received awards — three of them doctors. In fact, there are quite a few devotee doctors there.
While I was staying at the home of Padma Locana Prabhu, a bank consultant and book distributor, he related an incident that had happened while he was distributing books. He had already distributed all day and was about to go home. But something inside him (the Supersoul?) pulled him to a nearby beach. He saw a man sitting on the sand staring out into the ocean. Padma went up to him and, standing behind him, said, "I have something I think you'll find interesting. You look thoughtful." At that the man reached back, and Padma handed him the Bhagavad-gita. Padma started telling him about the teachings while the man was looking at the book. He didn't look at Padma at all; he was just listening and looking through the Gita. Then he said, "How much?" Padma gave the price and the man paid. Padma then told him about the temple, which was not far away.
That night the man went to the temple and asked the devotees, "What more can I do to advance in spiritual life?" They told him to chant the Hare Krsna mantra, and he took up japa. Now, one year later, he is chanting 16 rounds and aspiring for initiation.
Recently the man told Padma what he had been through up till the time he had received the Gita. "I was an avid gambler and had lost two houses because of it. I was an alcoholic, addicted to drugs, and often coughed up blood. My doctor said I might have only six months to live if I didn't change my ways. I'm only forty years old. When you saw me on the beach I was so confused and depressed I didn't know what to do. Then you brought Krsna into my life. Now I'm so happy. Thank you."