I had the good fortune of the association of many book distribution maharthis at the recent BANAROO music festival. It is one the biggest of the summer with over 100,000 guests. 6 devotees from New Dwaraka, headed by Brgu Pati Prabhu, flew out. That included Prema Sankirtan das, Dwarkesh das, Omkar das, Satcitanoy das and may be some I cannot remember. Yajna Purusha Prabhu of New York sent a strong praty of Bramacaries, headed by Ananda Vidya Prabhu of New Vrndavan. Others in attendance were Paraesvara das, Murti das and the venerable Bhakta Phillip. His Grace Adi Karta, 61 years of age, was also there and distributing many books. He has a special afffection for young people and charms them nicely.
Krsna is always trying to humble me and I became too sick to go out. I was greatly encourged to see so many books being distributed, and I could more appreciated the boys who were using their youthful for Lord Caitanya. Most of the boys were doing over 100 per day. ONe day Bhakta Phillip did 200. It was also very enlivening to see how receptive the young people are. One young brahmacari said, "This is great, every third person I meet alreay has a book. While everyone was leaving Dwarakesh Prabhu stood at one corner and did about 50 books in 2 hours.
The only thing missing was prasadam distribution. People are looking for "HARE KRSNA food". There was only one stricly VEG booth, and they were the busiest. The Rasta girl there said, "HARE KRSNAs have the best foos." These festivals are a great opportunity for devotees to distribute huge amounts of prasadam and do a lot of preaching in that way. Many people have books and want to discuss philosophy with devotees. A chanting party would also enhance things. Bhakta Avatar Prabhu was going along with his kartals and was appreciated.
As we were leaving one boy nearby shouted "Thank you for all your love, You guys really work hard."