Battlefield Bhajans Vol. 16

Srila Prabhupada

Battlefield Bhajans Vol 16

Dedicated to Srila Prabhupada, who by his mercy is allowing me assist him in some way

Last Mangala Arati

The ashram is officaly closed. Because we have to make room for our replacments, I had to move in with another senior leader in my unit. Before I moved I asked my detachment sergeant, if I could have one more day to do a last morning program. I sent out the invitations, and in the morning of the program, I set up a book table and made a small feast. I woke up extra early and woke the Lords, and started chanting my rounds. When I opened the doors at 4:00 am, almost thirty soldiers were waiting to come in. It was very sweet, in the middle of the morning program, the generator went out, so all the lights went out. I had a few tea lamps and lit about 15 of them around the ashram. For the next thirty minutes we all concentrated on getting the most out of this important program. Many of the guests were first time visitors and although most will not become devotees, they felt it was important to pay respects to Their Lordships. One boy said, I will never become a devotee of Krishna, but your God protected us for fifteen months and even those that died, they died focus on God. So for that, I am very grateful to Them.

"In the Varaha Purana there is a statement praising the seeing of the Deity of in the temple. A devotee says there, "My dear Vasundhara, any person who goes to Vrndavana and sees the Deity of Govindadeva is free from the courthouse of Yamaraja and is allowed to enter into the highest planetary system, in which reside the demigods." This means that even an ordinary person who goes to Vrndavana out of inquisitiveness and by chance sees the temple, especially that of Govindadeva, even if he is not elevated to the spiritual kingdom, is still assured promotion to the higher planetary systems. This means that simply by visiting the Deity of Govinda in Vnrdavana one becomes highly elevated in pious life." NOD

jaya jaya jaya deva deva deva tribhuvana-mañgala-divya-namadheya jaya jaya jaya deva këDna deva 3ravaïa-mano-nayanamëtavatara

All glory, glory, glory, Lord, all glory unto Thee, Who with Thy Holy Name bless all three worlds and set them free! All glory, glory, glory unto Thee, O KëDïadev, Whose nectar floods our ears and eyes and hearts in endless waves!( KëDïa-karïamëta 108)

A book a day keeps Maya away

My health is slowly improving, so I decided to go out on books. I went to my usual spots and no one was really out. Probably because the temperature was 1a0 degrees. So I went to the airport and in doors to the internet cafe. The man that works the desk is a regular at my programs, so he had no objection to my setting up a book table. As we sat and talked about Krsna and the purpose of life one civilian came up to me and sat down. He was telling me how he bought a book from the devotees in 1973. And how at that time he thought devotees were strange. So he never read the book. He was asking me how long I have been there in Iraq. I told him fourteen months and ten days. He started laughing, and said, "Man, then your responsible for all these books all over the place. I go to so many bases and everywhere I go in northern Iraq, these books are there." I laughed and said, "Well Krsna is making all these arrangements, I am just trying to take advantage of these opportunities that He has created." He asked me to sum up this philosophy is two sentences. "Ok, abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear." He got up and left with out saying a word. About three hours later he came back and placed a large donation on the table and picked up five books. I asked what happen, he said, "I left thinking this is all stupid, surrender what is that? This guy is brainwashed. But as the day went on I could not get what you said out of my head. I was sitting in my room and I thought, this doesn't seem so bad actually, abandon religion, and love God with all your heart." So here he was, standing before me and I felt there is no reason to talk anymore. Srila Prabhupada's books spoke to him, there was nothing more to say. We exchanged emails and off he went and I packed up to go to my room and take rest. I received an email from him yesterday, it just said two words; Thank You!


Japa: this bout with my health has given me a chance to really focus on my japa. As HH Guru Prasada wrote to me an email "Krsna is looking for quality, as quality means the desire to please Krsna. Quantity indicates a desire to use every moment in Krsna's service, and quality means that every thought, word and deed should be a special offering to Him. In my new room, I have a roomate, so when I rise in the morning, I am very quiet and sit down and chant all my rounds, and this is helping me concentrate on hearing the mantra Seva. The Lord is allowing me to keep up a nice standard, of course I see areas I can improve it and am looking forward to being home, so I can offer fresh flowers and some sweets. The amazing thing about the Lord is he engages everyone in His service. Here it is common for people to come by with some fruit or some juice.

Reading Cc: Wow. That is all I can say. Lord Caitanya broke open the store house of love of God and Nityananda is distributing it. The Cc is giving so much inspiration. I pray that I will one day taste the nectar contained within the pages.

Sankritan: Books, Books, Books!!!!

BG: 15

Iso: 5

TLC: 1

BTG: 5


NOD: 1

We are now at two weeks left! But still the war on maya goes on. We are constantly fighting with our material desires, and we are asking for the blessings of all the vaisnava's that my material contamination be destroyed and I can move forward in my devtional service to the Lord.

Your servant in Srila Prabhupada's mission,

Partha-sarathi dasa


Author: admin

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