Battlefield Bhajans Vol. 19

Srila Rupa Gosvami Disappearance Day

Dedicated to Srila Prabhupada edited by Partha-sarathi Dasa

Srila Rupa Goswami Disappearance Day

Today is Rupa Goswami's disappearance day. It was also the day of the last program in Iraq. This program was with the Indian bodied contract workers here on the base. While going over material to discuss during the class it made perfect sense to speak about the pastimes of this pure soul, Srila Rupa Goswami.

I got to program about one hour early and started setting everything up, we received a small shipment of books at the beginning of the week, so a book table was possible. I set up a small altar for my Lordships to oversee. Prasadam consisted of a fruit salad and juice. As people started walking in, I handed each person a sheet of paper with the bhajans Sri Rupa Manjari Pada printed on it so they could follow along. But to my amazement more people kept coming, and more and more! When the program started the place was packed, there was no sitting room. I made a remark that all of Mosul is in there, and one man said "Prabhu, this is the last program, everyone is here because we don't know if a devotee will ever be in Mosul again."

A little nervous I took a seat and explained why this day is so glorious, so auspicious and read the translation to the bhajan. Praying to the lotus feet of Srila Rupa Goswami and armed with kartals I began singing the bhajan. After the bhajan I discussed and spoke about the life of Rupa Goswami, and how he worked for a muslim magistrate and took initiation from Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. As I surveyed the crowd, I saw that it was not only Indians there but many soldiers, my chaplain was there and my detachment sergeant.

After the class, I lead a arati for Their Lordships pleasure. As the tempo increased the Indians abandoned their reserved nature and started dancing with their arms in the air. I grabbed hold for the chaplain and started to spin him round and round. He had this huge smile on his face. The arati went on for 1 hour and finally when we ended, everyone had a look of bliss of their faces.

As some of the devotees served out prasadam, I sat at the book table and talked one on one with many people. Many took books and many asked questions. One boy, whose name is Visnu made a remark, he said that he should be embarrassed that he grew up knowing about Krsna, knowing about devotional service but ran away thinking he would find happiness in making money. He thanked me for the programs we had during the fifteen months. I told him that it was all Srila Prabhupada's mercy and I am not doing anything special. I am just assisting a great soul in fulfilling his spiritual masters order.

After the program I said my last goodbyes and exchanged emails so I try and encourage them in some way. I decided to walk home in dhoti and kurta, it was nice and I realized how much I missed just being in devotional cloth, when I loud voice broke my train of thought… " Hey Soldier what the hell are you wearing!!!!" I turn around and the man gets closer and then says oh sorry, your that Hare Krsna we have here aren't you? Yes, I am, my name is Partha, sorry for being out of uniform, it was late and I just wanted to get back and take rest, it won't happen again. He asked if he could walk with me and I agreed. While walking he revealed his heart to me, that he is in his forties, his wife left him and he feels he wasted his life. He asked my advice, I explained that everything in the material world is temporary, and that devotional service to God will help us realize true happiness. He was satisfied with the answer and we sat outside my room for 2 hours speaking, by the time he left it was 1 am. I told him I have a gift for him. I went inside and gave him my personal copy of the Bhagavad-Gita and explained that this book has been with me for over ten years and it has been there through the hard times, when I was in the hospital, when I was shot, when I lost my first soldier to a firefight. We were both in tears with this exchange. He was a combat vet, he saw war first hand and he could understand how special this gift was. We both bid our farewells and he promised to once a week email me with realizations from his reading.

I thought while getting ready for rest, what will happen to all these people I have met here? Krsna is to kind to these them. I am leaving, but Krsna is so kind that He has sent these men and women hungry for spiritual life a new group, ones even more fired up, ones even more determined that me, Bhakta Andrew and Bhakta Antony. Am I worried….. not at all.

Combat Japa

Cool story form Andrew, if anyone is interested in sponsoring him please contact me:

Haribol, Prahbu!

I have been in Taji for a couple days, to go see dental/sham out and relax. Since I have been without Japa beads for nearly a month, I decided to buy 9 packs of Ranger pace counters and 550 cord and make my own. I was walking through the PX, looking at everything, like "No, I don't need that or that or that or that." Then, I saw the pace counters and thought to myself, "Pace counters or Prayer counters?" So I bought 9 packs of Pace counters with 13 in each pack totalling 117 beads, so I had 108 beads for japa, 1 to go on the end and 8 to count rounds!

Krsna makes such perfect arrangements!


Japa: We are calling out Krsna's name, seems easy enough right, but honestly to do so with full attention is very difficult. I am working on this. Not with fancy tricks, or head phones or things like this. By fighting the mind and praying to the Lord, " My Lord please allow me to chant Your Name with full attention." Quality, Quality, Quality!! That is the key word! Reading: Now reading Nectar of Instruction. it has been many years since I read this jewel and I am being reminded each page why this book is so important to our spiritual development.


BG: 3

TLC: 2

ISO: 10

Seva: The Lord is so kind to appear in the material world, so we can serve Him and grow attached to Him.

Only five days left, so next journal will be from Kuwait en route to the States. Please pray for us that we keep this determination up. Iraq was great for my spiritual life, and I pray the lessons I have learned will carry over to normal life outside the war zone.

Yours in the service of Srila Prabhupada,

Partha Sarathi Dasa


Author: admin

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