Be a prize fighter

Be a prize fighter

I felt nostalgic living in a van with two bramacaris in December, because this was how I spent my youth in the 1970s and 80s.

Back then, on our first day out, Brajananda told me that he is always grateful for the training he received: “If you can stay in the ring, you will be a prize fighter.”

“Good advice,” I replied.

A lot of books have been sold in Asheville, North Carolina, and I seemed to be running into all the folks who already had one or else were not interested. It started to rain. I was having a tough day. I left the ring for a while. When I resumed, it was still tough.

Determined to be a prize fighter, I kept at it until I met a guy who said, “My Bhagavad-gita is getting worn out, so it's time to buy a new one.”

He bought several books, and we exchanged contact info, with plans to meet next time I'm in the area. It's quite likely he'll take a set of Bhagavatams. If I hadn't gone back out, I would have missed that guy. Stay in the ring, and you'll be a prize fighter.

Author: admin

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