Bhakta Mathew
Here is a story of how, once again, Srila Prabhupada's books make devotees:
One Bhakta Mathew from California was in England several years ago. He saw devotees doing Harinama and was amazed; he had never seen devotees before. After speaking to them a little, they sold him Science of Self Realization. One year later, as he was shopping on Haight Ashbury street in San Fransisco with his girlfriend Eileen, he saw a young man walking with a copy of Science of Self Realization. He asked him "where did you get this book!?" The man said "there's a guy up the street selling them. I just bought it." Mathew ran up the street and met me, who happened to be distributing there. He was so happy to see a devotee (although i am not) that he fell to the floor. We talked and I told him to come to the Berkeley temple that Sunday. He came with his girfriend and was amazed at H.H. Hridayananda Maharaja's lecture and the association of devotees. He started coming again and again. Just yesterday, I was in the Chowpatti temple of Bombay and who do I see there, all shaved up in dhoti? Bhakta Mathew and his newly married wife, Eileen, both chanting 16 rounds! He is studying in the Masters program at Bhaktivedanta Institute and she is teaching at the Bhaktivedanta School at the Juhu temple.
Book distribution ki jay!!
Your servant,
Candrasekhar dasa