Book distribution in London

Book distribution in London

Jogging Book Distribution

During one of our summer book marathons I was standing by the Covent Garden station in London feeling miserable because books were going out very slowly. Krsna was clearly testing my patience and humility. When I had almost given up and was about to take a break, I noticed someone jogging toward me. The jogger was a young business lady dressed in typical office wear. (Jogging and fitness in general are very popular among London's office workers.) Without hesitation I followed her impulsively, intending to catch up. While approaching her I began praying to Krsna that she would take a book. After running about a hundred meters I finally caught up to her and started presenting the maha-big /Veda /book to her. Without hesitation she took the book and asked if it was free. As I ran alongside I told her about the book and explained about donations, showing her my devotee garb and bag. Still running, she took a few pounds from her big white wallet and handed them to me. "Thank you very much!" I called to her while thinking "Amazing!" and watching her jog away from me. I puzzled over the incident a bit and finally stopped trying to understand what had happened. I'd just completed three minutes of a steady run covering some four hundred meters, and was feeling the aftertaste of Krishna's smile and harinama in my heart.

There Are Good People in the World

This incident happened near the Oxford Circus station, during the summer book marathon.

I approached four 16-to-17-year-old teenagers who were tourists from Luxembourg. The one named Alexander was in a very uplifting mood. He joked and laughed constantly. His cheerfulness was contagious. I offered them "The Science of Self-Realization," asking for four pounds to cover the costs. They offered two, and with a smile I asked for a little more. Alexander found an extra pound and unexpectedly offered to join me in asking the passersby for one more pound. I began helping him approach people. Alexander was honestly explaining that he was missing one pound to get the book he needed. The first passerby refused, the second, of the Muslim faith, began asking many questions about the SSR that Alexander was holding, but didn't give the pound. Through the third person Krishna handed me the much-needed pound. But things got even better. Alexander suddenly gave his SSR to the man who gave the final pound! Alexander wasn't aware that by giving away his first big book he had received the blessings of Lord Caitanya and Srila Prabhupada. Obviously, with great devotion I handed him another "Science of Self-Realization" for him and his friends. We were both in heaven!

Your Servant,

Bhakta Alexey

Author: admin

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