Book Distribution in London

Krsna lifting Govardhana Hill

Hare Krsna Prabhu's,

I don't think there's another temple in the world that has the facilities for book distribution like that of London. You walk out of the temple make a left, walk one minute and there's tens of thousands of people walking up and down Oxford Street. Due to the compassion of the sankirtan devotees many of these souls are receiving the mercy of Lord Caitanya.

There's twelve devotees that go to Oxford st and other areas around London every day making the London Yatra last month number two in the world for book distribution after the Prague, Czech Republic Temple.

Yesterday I was distributing on Oxford St when I approached a couple from India. When I engage Indians I try to get them involved in the book especially when I distribute Bhagavad Gita's, I show them the picture of the ten avatars and ask them to name them. As I point to the picture I ask them who is that? And who is that? They really get in to it sometimes and as many as six of them will press their faces in to see, and say who the avatar is. Of course they always get Rama and Krsna but their a little shaky on the others. Yesterday however I didn't have the Bhagavad Gita I had Krsna book, but I did the same thing, going through the pictures and asking them who is this? What is this? When I got to the picture of Krsna lifting Govardhana Hill I asked the two of them, "What is the name of the hill". The man said, "Samvartaka! I said, "No, that's the cloud! This is Govardhana Hill! To which he said, "Yes, yes your right." Then they took the book to learn more about Krsna and His lifting the hill Samvartaka, I mean Govardhana.

Your Servant,

Vijaya Das

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