Book Distribution in Moscow
Cell Phone Blues
Every sankirtan dreads a cell-phone call to the person he's talking to. We've all experienced it: 99% of the time, the chance of the person getting a book is over. But not for Acala Prabhu. While in Moscow, I heard from Acala about a nice experience he'd had the day before while on sankirtan.
"I was distributing a book to someone and his cell-phone rang. He answered it and was talking for a minute or so, and then I asked him to introduce me to the person who had just called him.
He said, "O.K. What's your name?
I said, "Acala."
I then started to speak to the caller, telling him that I'd just met his friend and was showing him books on higher consciousness, yoga, and meditation from India.
The person said, "I've been to India twice, and I'm very much into Indian philosophy. Can you give the phone back to my friend?"
They soon finished the call, and the person I was talking to said, "My friend wants me to buy two books for each of us."
He then gave a donation that was much more than what I asked for.
Krsne matir astu.
Your Servant,
Vijaya Dasa