Book Distribution in Paris

All morning busy with meetings in the temple and the usual occupational activities. Started book distribution around 5 in the evening and it was a tough evening trying to distribute books in Paris. Now we are on the train heading back to the temple. Quite often we go up and down the train trying to sell books or doing Kirtan.
Maybe there is still a chance of some books going out before the day is out. “Non merci, non argent, no no no!”
Hey that guy looks a little bright, he may even be Indian. He smiles, I sit next to him.
“Where are you from?”
“From Kerala.”
“Really! Wow I just came from Kerala 6 days back.”
He replies, “Did you go to Guru Vayur, did you go to Ananta Padmanabha temple?”
“Oh Yes.”
“Well, I was born in a brahman family.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I am working in Paris as an engineer. What have you got there?”
“This is Bhagavad Gita, please take a look.”
“Umm! I have read these things – I know ISKCON in Kerala. Have you got some place here?”
“Yes, in Sarcelles.”
“Where do you live?”
 He replies, “Sarcelles.”
“Really, and you don’t know we have a temple there.”
“No! where is it?” I give him the address.
I am thinking how amazing it is that Krsna has arranged this.
“What’s you’re name?”
“That means etenal, immortal – right?”
“Yes, but  to tell you the truth, I am 100% atheist – I don’t believe in all this creativity and God stuff. I don’t believe in a soul or spirit – it’s all matter. The only eternal truth is matter. I am a devout follower of Steven Hawkin.”
Oh No! what to do now? I think.
I said, “You know when I was young I also leaned towards atheism, you know no one is really living or explaining the truth of religion or life. too much dogma.”
Somehow he is open to talk and loves debate, the whole journey back and forth.
He tells me that he is just coming from the city where he has this day been divorced and feels a bit down. He missed appointments and it’s late, 9 at night. Still he holds the book.
Praying to Krsna to give suitable words.
“So what is your answer to life?”  I ask him.
“Big Bang”
“Big Bang, you still believe in that stuff? Come on, I thought you were an intelligent guy. What went Bang and what caused it to go bang? He was a bit short of logical words then we reach our destination.
Then he said, “Okay I’ll take the book and I’ll read it, and I’ll give you a donation because I know you guys feed needy people. Be good.” He gives the best donation of the day and takes 4 books.
Thank you Srila Prabhupada for this blissful opportunity.

Author: admin

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