Book Distribution Minister
Service Opportunity Book Distribution Minister
Dear Maharajas and Prabhus,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
It's been almost two years now since me and my family have settled down here in Switzerland near Zurich. I'm happy that my days of continous world travelling have come to a pause. The stable situation of the grihasta ashrama is allowing me to focus and reflect.
Realisation: "Quit while you are ahead!" Well then I'm way passed my time.
Being a Book Distributor for almost 18 years, I have served as the assistant Minister for a few years and then as the Minister for some more. Much has been achieved, by a team effort, in the fields of training and education of Book Distributors. Many standards were set and networks established. A lot of books went out and we had a ton of fun.
Although going out and distributing almost every week, I have no plans in taking up world travelling in the near future. I also don't see the point in attending meetings and reading texts which have very little to do with preaching and book distribution.
The Ministries are very undefined and not much supported in our society. In the case of the BDM there is no staff, no funding, no office nor equippment. Some people will support you if they like what your are doing, while others wont, just like in real life. There is no job description which demands a Minister to travel the world constantly, but travelling does help.
Being a Minister meant to me; you are an expert in your field, be available to BDers and managers in person and on e-mail, ready to share your knowledge with all you meet, establish standards and training programs, communicate and network with other Ministries, be somewhat balanced and mature, travel and preach and sit on some meetings/forums (wether you like them or not).
I want to officially resign from this service and hand it over to someone who is willing, able, qualified and not yet passed their prime. It will be the GBC's decision which prospective candidate they want to accept.
Service applications or recommendations can be sent to myself or Ramai Swami per e-mail. Best is if you already fit the profile, since a title or badge does not make you anything or even help much especially in this day and age.
I like to take the opportunity to thank all the devotees who have tolerated my demanding and forceful nature all these many years as BD Minister. Wether you are drivers, cooks, sankirtan devotees or managers. If I have knowingly or unknowingly offended you, and I'm sure that I have, in more then a hundred occasions, please forgive me.
Hoping that you are all well and happy,
Your Servant
Navina Nirada Dasa