Book distribution Nectar

Srila Prabhupada Quotes.,,

Hari bol Prabhus,

Please accept my humble obeisances,All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Often devotees think that book distribution is meant for tough devotees because sometimes a book distributor faces a challenging opposition and he may have to fight verbally to get his way out. A meek and humble devotee will hardly stand up to such challenges. Find out what happened when a simple soft-spoken devotee is publicly challenged by a hardened opponent.

H.G. Chaianya Ananda Prabhu is a gentle and mild-natured resident devotee. He takes care of the sick devotees and in the evening goes for book distribution. A few days back he was distributing books in the local train where he made an announcement: "This human form of life is very rare. We get this life after passing through 84 lakh species of life. we should perfect our human life by reading scriptures like the Bhagavad-gita and follow the path to God"

After the announcement he began passing out the books. Then one man, pointed his finger at Chaianya Ananda Prabhu, and said, "What you are saying is all incorrect. We don't have 84 lakh species of life but only 84 births, after which we get liberation. Go home kid and read properly your scriptures." Now, India definitely is a supermarket of spirituality, but even the most ignorant knows the truth about 84 lakh species. The kind of information cited by the man can only be used by one kind of new-age yogis – the members of laughter club. Anyway, simple and humble as he is, Chaianya Ananda Prabhu decided not to argue with man and move on to the next, even as this man continued to harass him.

Surprisingly a passenger came to the rescue. "How can you say that there are only 84 births? What this pandit is saying is fully correct and according to our shastras?"

The first man turned red in anger, "How dare you challenge me? I am a member of @#€$ society,( Brhamakumaris) we have our own scriptures and they say like this. Your understanding is all wrong and bogus."

The society he mentioned is the undisputed first ranker in creating imaginative ideas of spirituality which are totally in opposition to the Vedas. Authors of fairy tales for kids would do well to acquire plots for their new books by visiting their centers for egg-meditation. But fortunately the co-passengers of this man were in no mood to hear fairy tales in relation their own religion. Another man who had bought one book and read a few lines spoke up, "Arre bhai (Oh sir) how can your shastras say different things then those mentioned in the Bhagavad-gita and puranas? What you are saying is complete nonsense?"

The man turned purple in rage. Jumping up on his feet and wildly swaying his arm pointing to everyone in the compartment, he shouted, "All of you are ajnanis (ignorant). All of you are misguided by the propaganda of this man. I know the truth and it is taught by @#€$…"

This outburst infuriated the public and many people shouted back, "You #@$, get off this train, get lost, get lost."

"Yes, yes, my station has come and I am going." The man jumped off the train in fury and Chaianya Ananda Prabhu continued distribution of Srila Prabhupada's books uninterruptedly. This shows that even if a devotee is physically weak and unable or unwilling to defend himself against hostile elements, the protection of the Lord is always there. We only need courage to pick up books and approach the non-devotees, the department of protection lies in hands of the Lord.

Your Servant,

Murari Gupta

Author: admin

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