Book Distribution Stories

The Perfection of Yoga

By Omkara Devi Dasi ACBSP

Recently I started part time book distribution, several days a week. Please find some stories based on my distribution program. These have enlivened me ever so much. I hope to share with you…. Hare Krsna. Your servant, Omkara dasi

March 27, 2010
( 1 ) Recently while I was distributing Perfection of Yoga in a Spanish neighborhood I started a new method whereby I would open up the book and flip through the pictures in the book. I could see how this gets the attention of the people more, and helps me distribute books. One man I preached to when he started pulling out laxmi I said, “this is your spiritual meditation and yoga … and that will make you peaceful”… he emphatically stated, “I sure can use this.” He also confirmed that he will come to the feast and bring his friend.

( 2 ) Another rewarding instance…. I went up to two men with two little kids and preached, asking for laxsmi. One man said he couldn’t give and how expensive everything was these days. This event he was attending cost him so much. Kids cost so much. Food costs so much. (I understand because I went thru this with my kids when they were growing up.) ” I told him I know… and I see what you mean. I had young kids and I did the same thing. It’s tough.” Then I said your kids are so cute but I’ll just give them a cat sticker each and I’ll give both of you an invitation to the Hare Krishna Temple. Come bring your family to our free feast. The children will love it and everything is free there.” I told him a little bit about Krsna and said we have Spanish classes too. He could even bring his mother or grandmother…. Then he gave me a $5.00 contribution.

( 3 ) Another nice story…. the same bus ride on a long day of preaching. A street person that sat next to us was uttering lots of nonsense really loud. We decided to move one seat over because ‘I couldn’t even think straight’ because of all his loud talking….. But as we were riding in the bus…. all of a sudden in between all his loud ‘jibber-jabber’ nonsense he utters… ‘Hare Krishna’ really loud and we both looked at each other in amazement! WOW he even pronounced it so well. That made us happy. This street person, aside from all his issues, could utter the Lord’s Holy Name so perfectly. How wonderful!

April 2, 2010
( 1 ) Just last night I was at a soccer stadium going to the ladies restroom. As I was going to the restroom heading towards me was a big parade of Chivas fans who were
dressed in their uniforms, cheering, singing a song, with flairs and in big glory. I thought
this was so nice and reminded me of our Harer Nama Party. They really had lots of zest and love for their Chivas soccer team. They put up a big show in front of the soccer convention center. Then I thought… I wish I had a good preaching story for Jayapataka Maharaj! Right that instant a man came up to me and said: “You know you never see this type of thing in America!” (the Chivas fans chanting and dancing). “You see it in the UK, in Central America, not here”. I said, “I wish I had my camera. I like it!” We started talking and I told him what I was doing. I preached to him and told him about Rathayatra, even gave him a Perfection of Yoga & a Jagannath sticker. He gave me his business card and said he had a band. I told him if he would sing a song with Hare Krsna, and do it for Krsna, he might have some luck, and maybe be on the stage for Rathayatra. I decided to make sure to email him, and get him to the temple, hoping to have him sing for Lord Jagannath.

( 2 ) One night after distribution at a Megadeth concert while HarerNam and Omkara were at a Coffee Bean resting and drinking hot herbal tea we met 2 young boys. One boy lost his ticket and the other friend stayed back, because he would not leave his best friend out of the concert, to go alone without him.  This young boy who lost his ticket was very sad, but knew it was just something he had no control of in  life.  We both felt he had a realization there….  We preached to them about Krsna, gave a Perfection of Yoga, and an invitation to the temple.  We talked about karma, what goes around comes around… and true friendship.  We told them that Krsna is the best friend.  Omkara gave the young boy who lost his ticket a big hug and he was so appreciative…  He thanked her and genuinely smiled, like a young son to a caring mother.

My inspiration & solace while on book distribution & during the day: I pray to Srila Prabhupada and Lord Caitanya constantly. I pray for them to send me hungry spirit souls who are looking for the spiritual mercy of the Lord. I pray for the ability to preach and show others how merciful the Lord is, and how easy it is to take shelter of Krsna Consciousness. Daily I realize and pray. “Srila Prabhupada, you are present in my heart, please speak through me today, preach through me. I offer myself while on book distribution. I am a helpless soul. I am nothing without you, my dear Gurudeva. I ask that you help me reach out to others and give the Holy Name, please help me spread this Krsna Consciousness to others. I pray to Lord Caitanya, please help me distribute this mercy. This is my biggest desire.” Many times I focus my mind on Supersoul. The Supersoul in their heart. When I talk to these people I look at Krsna in their heart and that is what keeps me spiritual. Then I continue to pray to Srila Prabhupada who is always with me. And I pray to Lord Caitanya who is with me on this Sankirtan Mission. This way I always have the association of my Guru and Lord Caitanya. I am not alone. That realization makes me more inspired day by day….
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada and Book Distribution!
All Glories to Sri Guru & Gouranga!

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