Book distribution to the Zombie’s

A small and excited bunch of us from Bhakti Lounge ventured into the Zombie Parade in Toronto this weekend. Surrounded by people impersonating Zombies, we wondered how to approach them. Initial attempts of speaking to them about Yoga and meditation resulted in amusing responses so we decided to try something different I had recently heard in a lecture.

I started to ask the Zombies if they could tell me the difference between so called 'normal people' and 'normal zombies' (everyone there called themselves a normal zombie). To my great surprise, almost no one could spot the difference – some rare souls could tell me 'well the people can move' or 'zombies are dead'. So we asked them to look at the situation another way and see how people have consciousness and the absence of which makes zombies. Interestingly zombies liked that idea and we saw a lot of people take Bhagavad Gitas and other books. In spite of cops pushing us around, zombies trying to come shake us physically to scare us and we being a very small time with a narrow window of under 2 hours – we sold 59 books to the Zombies and the team was excited to see how people in any state of being can appreciate these transcendental books. Some zombies even went looking for ATMs and came back to give generous donations and make their rightful claim to the books.

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Author: admin

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