Books are the Basis Week Announcement

Dear Devotees,
Please accept our humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
ISKCON Ministry of Education cordially invites you to take part in this year’s Books Are The Basis week.
The global event is scheduled from 29th September to 5th October 2023, and the topic for this year is _Shastra Caksu_ – seeing the world through the eyes of Srila Prabhupada’s books.
We humbly request that you involve your temple and community in celebrating this festival within your local area.
The mission of Books Are The Basis week is to significantly increase the reading of Srila Prabhupada’s books among devotees.
Celebrating this festival with the devotees and friends of your temple is easy with just three simple steps:
*1. Create awareness* and share the Books Are The Basis poster and videos with everyone.
*2. Organise* one or more of the following:
Lectures, seminars, workshops, reading sessions, panel discussions, interviews, and group discussions – keeping the main focus on the importance of reading Srila Prabhupada’s books.
*3. Update* us on so we can showcase your activities to the rest of the world to encourage many other centres.
We have developed a variety of engaging resources to assist you in coordinating events of all sizes – whether for a small group or a larger audience. You can access these materials at any time by visiting
Thank you, and we eagerly look forward to hearing about the events at your temple. Every soul you inspire during Books Are The Basis week will have a significant impact.
Hare Krishna!
ISKCON Ministry of Education