Bus Tour at Union Square
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Recently, book distribution was part of the annual youth tour led by Manorama Prabhu, this year called The Traveling Kirtan Experience Bus Tour in North America (May 21-June 27).
Please find att. some photos Manorama posted on facebook of the tour devotees distributing books at the New York City harinam at Union Square.
There's even a shot of the famous kirtan leader Madhava Prabhu distributing books. We all know that he's good on the mrdanga; here he's playing the brhat mrdanga. Nadiya Bihari Dasi, the wife of Amala Harinama, both of whom are famous kirtan leaders, is also distributing the mercy in the form of the book bhagavat.
In Manhattan there is a continuous flow of the holy name and of Srila Prabhupada's books to the New Yorkers and visitors from around the world, thanks to the sincere efforts of Ramraya Prabhu and his team of merry men and women.
Most of the Vaisnavis in these photos are ladies from the UK, who are on the bus tour. This book distribution took place a few days before the Rathayatra festivl in NYC, on June 11th.