Buying books earns grade points for Panama students

While distributing books at a university in Panama I went to a classroom to present our books. The professor liked what I had to present and asked me to speak to the students. We also chanted the Hare Krsna mantra. She liked what I said, along with the chanting. I mentioned to her that I have books that we distribute for donations and if the students want they can take the books. She liked everything so much that she told the students, “If you buy one book I’ll add .05 points to your final exam score, if you buy two books I’ll add 1 point to it, if you buy three I’ll add 1.05 points to your final exam score.” Practically all of the students were saying, “I’ll take three.”

Then she said to me, “I have another class. Come I’ll take you there too.”

We went there and the same thing happened: all of my books were distributed in these two classrooms. Lord Caitanya’s mercy!

Your servant,
Rajendra Kumara das

Author: admin

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