Meet Bhrigupati Prabhu
Meet Bhrigupati Prabhu! H.G. Bhrigupati Prabhu spent over 40 years in ISKCON distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books. He has distributed 2,000,000 books and has been the top distributor in North America for numerous years. In 2005 at the Gaura Purnima Festival in Mayapur, he was awarded the Global Excellence Award for book distribution. He is currently the Sankirtan leader for Los Angeles, California. He regularly gives classes on...
Distributing books to Christians and Muslims
While I was distributing books, if I stopped someone and they said they were Christians, I would say, "That's great! Do you know why? Because there are so many atheists, and atheism increasing all over the world. The book you have in your hand [Bhagavad-gita] has many good arguments against atheism, so you're going to love it. On top of that, we aren't trying to change your beliefs. But there is always more to learn,...
Pictures from UK Book Distribution
OAuthException: (#10) Application does not have permission for this action‘Bhagavad Gita- As It Is’ Gifted to Bihar State Health Minsiter.
Beginning with Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu himself, the leaders of Krsna Consciousness have always tried to share with and convince the leaders of states to accept this sublime science. By this as, Krsna mentions in Bhagvad Gita the common people are inspired to follow, and accept spirituality. Following in the same lines devotees at ISKCON Patna, received on the very first day of the year, the Health Minister of the state of Bihar Mr....