Krishna Immediately Recognizes a Preacher

Krishna Immediately Recognizes a Preacher

letter, December 11, 1975 "The Sankirtana devotees are very dear to Krishna. Because you are doing the field work of book distribution, Krishna has immediately recognized them as true servants. Just like during war time, a farm boy or ordinary clerk who goes to fight for his country on the front immediately becomes a national hero for his sincere effort. So Krishna immediately recognizes a preacher of Krishna Consciousness who...

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Executing the will of the spiritual master…

Executing the will of the spiritual master…

SB 4.28.51 purport After the death of Maharaja Pandu, his wives settled that one should remain and the other should go. Madri would perish with her husband in the fire, and Kunti would remain to take charge of the five Pandava children. Even as late as 1936 we saw a devoted wife voluntarily enter the fire of her husband. This indicates that a devotee's wife must be prepared to act in such a way. Similarly, a devoted disciple of...

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Be Convinced what kind of civilization we are trying to introduce

Be Convinced what kind of civilization we are trying to introduce

Your material desires, eating, sleeping, mating–fulfill it like a gentleman and save time and make spiritual advancement. This is to be introduced. Why you are inventing so strenuous work and spoil time, valuable time of human life? This we want to preach. Save time, be spiritually advanced, and other necessities, make it gentlemanly short-cut. If you save time, you can read all these literatures, understand what is value of...

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We are not in control

We are not in control

Dear Prabhus, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Here is a nice realization I had. By the mercy and grace of the Vaishnavas I've had the privilege of being able to serve on the illustrious Paramesvara Prabhu's North American Traveling Sankirtan Party for the past year and half. As a part of my service, he told me to help expand the party by getting more sankirtan devotees. Ever since I've...

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36000 Bhagavat Gitas ordered by visitor by mercy of Srila Prabhupada

36000 Bhagavat Gitas ordered by visitor by mercy of Srila Prabhupada

All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga ! All glories to Srila Prabupada ! A trading company chairman visiting ISKCON Temple mentioned he trades in a commodity which cannot be stored. He informed that he started his company humbly and by the blessings of The Lord he received reasonable success. Then, His Holiness Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaj met him at The ISKCON Temple. And Maharaj preached to him about ISKCON and its...

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Marathon Report

Marathon Report

In Surat-India. we started the marathon on the 15th of November. Our individual target was 11,131 BG (Temple target is little more). We are about to achieve this target. We are all grhastha devotees. Every Sunday & holidays we do BD for the whole day. Generally the devotees distribute books without feeling fatigue. They take lunch prasadam after 3 or 4 PM because they don't want to intrupt this wonderful service. We divided...

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