“Bank” Book Distribution: Gauranga!

“Bank” Book Distribution: Gauranga!

On the afternoon of August 7th, I attempted to bank Krishna’s laksmi. My bank is a very good bank, because its employees often buy books about Krishna. At one Brisbane branch, a lady recently bought all three of Kurma's cookbooks for her vegetarian daughter. This particular non-Brisbane branch was no exception. One lady not only confirmed that she already owned some Krishna books but then and there added a copy of...

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Paramatma Uvaca

Paramatma Uvaca

In Auckland I attempted to distribute in the midst of the passionate flow of Queen St. I hit a real lull and was struggling to stop passersby. I also found myself being increasingly distracted by a talented and acrobatic street artist. Determined to "get back into it," I shouted, "Krishna" and spun around to look for the next customer. I was amazed to see a young Indian lady, who stopped dead in her tracks, being...

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More big steps towards Krsna

More big steps towards Krsna

A few years back I met this dentist, Dr Vera Zdarsky, and sold her a Srimad Bhagavatam set. I tried several times to get her to come to the Loft in Auckland but she seemed to never make it. Recently at New Varshan (the temple in west Auckland), on a Sunday, I saw Khela Tirtha Prabhu talking to this lady in the temple shop and I immediately recognized her as Dr Vera. I naturally said hi and soon found out that she had read three of the...

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Synchronized Encounter in the library

Synchronized Encounter in the library

In the midst of our winter marathon in Wellington NZ, I was coming down with the flu and wasn't feeling up to standing on the cold windy streets as usual. Racking my brains for an alternative, I decided to try out distributing in the library which offered a warm environment and shelter from the elements. In the hushed, studious library space I gently approached persons as they browsed through the books on the shelves. After some...

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Books for Amma’s followers and Muslims

Books for Amma’s followers and Muslims

Just a few days ago, while distributing books in shops, Acarya Prabhu came to a hall where Amritamayi Amma's followers had gathered for a program given by her representative. There was a big picture of Amma. Acarya decided to show a Srimad Bhagavatam set to Amma's representative, and surprisingly she was interested in the books and asked others present how many funds they had. When informed that they had enough funds, she...

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Book Distribution can be an adventure

Book Distribution can be an adventure

Distributing at the Santa Monica Promenade in Los Angeles, I approached a man, showed him Prabhupada's books, and explained a little. While I was presenting the books his wife showed up. She asked him, "What are you doing?" in a heavy way. "I'm looking at the books this man is showing me." I was thinking, "I'll be real surprised if this man walks away with a book. Again, it's up to you...

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