Appreciative people encourage a book distributor

On a rainy day in Curitiba, Brazil, Mahananda Murari Prabhu (JPS) did sankirtana on buses. Inside a bus, one man was on his phone, so he excused himself. It could have been a trick to avoid the monk, but no, because when he and Mahananda got off at the terminal, the man approached him with money in his hand and said, “I want to talk to you.” His name is Vilmar, he said, and he really appreciates our work. He bought a...

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My first distribution of a set of Bhagavatam

My first distribution of a set of Bhagavatam

During this year’s book marathon in Durban, I met many people who had a change of heart. Not heart transplantations but a transformation of consciousness. A Christian lady whom I spoke with was going through difficulties. I told her about the Fifth Canto and what happens after one is involved in the four sinful activities. I gave her details, such as how eating meat puts you on a hellish planet, where in a pot of boiling oil,...

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Bringing back our wandering minds

Bringing back our wandering minds

Book distribution is like japa. Sometimes when we chant, we think of other things. Inattentive japa sometimes happens. Therefore Krsna says, “From wherever the mind wanders due to its flickering and unsteady nature, one should bring it back under the control of the self.” Similarly, when we distribute books, we sometimes think of other things, as is the mind’s nature. Or we get distracted from the mission of giving the...

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