Christians Get Krishna’s Mercy

Christians Get Krishna’s Mercy

by Sastra-krit Dasa (Los Angeles)

I was distributing in downtown LA when two guys walked toward me. They were tall, with long flowing blonde hair, blue eyes, and tight T-shirts. They stopped when I said, "Excuse me. I'm stopping all the really koooool-looking guys today."

After stopping, one of them said with a serious face, looking me straight in the eyes: "You know, we're trying to look like Jesus Christ."

I was disturbed that after a tough day on sankirtan I had run into some born-again Christians. Still, wanting to make the most of the encounter, I said, "It's not so important to look like Jesus; it's more important to follow his teachings strictly."

"As a Hare Krishna," one of them replied, "what's your idea of following Christ strictly?"

"Actually, we live a lifestyle similar to Christ's." Then I explained to them the regulative principles of freedom. I especially emphasized the need to adopt a cruelty-free diet by giving up eating meat.

To my surprise, they looked at each other and one of them said, "Ummmmmm, very interesting." Then they bought an SSR and promised to read it.

As they were giving me a donation, I mentioned to them how the founder of the Hare Krishna movement said, "Any sincere Christian will appreciate our books and join us in glorifying the Lord by chanting His holy names." With that, they gave me a hug and happily walked away.

Jaya Srila Prabhupada! Sankirtan-yajna ki jaya!

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