College preaching
Dear Prabhu's
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
While distributing books at Irvine Valley College in Southern California, USA, I met one interested person who bought a Science of Self Realization then he went to his class. An hour later he returned and wanted to return the book, he said he didn't agree with Prabhupada that illicit sex leads to materialism. I asked him if he believes in God. He said he's a devout atheist. I explained to him, "This universe is so complex that for millions of years the sun has been supplying heat throughout the universe and will continue to do so for millions of years. The scientists say it all began with the big bang." I asked him, "What happens when there is an explosion?" He said, "Destruction, chaos." "So how can all this order come from a big bang?" In so many ways I explained to him that this arrangement can't be an accident. After awhile he agreed that there may be a God. Then I explained to him that if there is a God then sex would be to please him by having a child to be raised in God consciousness and not for some selfish purpose. Millions of children are killed every year in the womb because of uncontrolled sex desire, and exploiting the opposite sex. Hundreds of thousands of people every year die of venereal disease, all in the name of so-called love. What people call love is mostly lust, otherwise why is it that 90% of marriages in the USA end in divorce within ten years. Lust means selfish desire. He agreed that people exploit others to satisfy there sex.
Then he said, "You know there are so many religions all over the world but you Hare Krsna's are the only one's I'll support, because you don't condemn non-believers, and you have a good philosophy not just sentiment.
He kept the book.
Your Servant,
Vijaya Dasa