Coming to Krsna in Russia
While in Moscow, I heard of some interesting ways devotees had come to Krsna.
One young man was taking LSD and mushrooms and then started to ask the big questions about life. His friend who had some kirtans of Srila Prabhupada and BBT books awakened his interest in Krishna consciousness.
He gradually joined, but not exactly alone: He was the best skateboarder in Europe, and he's still famous. Now he's a full time book distributor, and sometimes when he's distributing books, other skateboarders recognize him. He offers them books, and they often take them and give a nice donation.
When they say they don't want a book, he asks, “If I autograph it will you take it?” and they say, “Yes, of course.”
Some of his admirers have also become devotees, because he was their hero. They think, “If Krsna is good for Alexander Tushev, then He's good for me.”
Another devotee has a mother who became attracted to Krsna in the early nineties. She attended Ratha-yatras and sometimes showed BBT books to her son. But then she became a Buddhist and a housewife and then gave up spirituality.
Twenty years later, her son came across Srila Prabhupada's books again and joined the temple. He was so young when his mother was into Krsna that he just vaguely remembered anything about Krsna – just a few pictures from the books. When he called her and said he had joined the Hare Krsnas, she told him that she used to be a Hare Krsna. He was surprised.
He then decided to do some service for his mother. He took her to Jaganatha Puri. By Lord Jagannatha's mercy, her Krsna consciousness reawakened, and she is now chanting sixteen rounds and is looking forward to being initiated.
Your servant,
Vijaya Dasa