Concert Book Distribution
While distributing books in the LA airport, a lady came up to me and asked, "Where is Krsna from?"
I said, "Krsna is from Goloka Vrndavana, a planet far beyond this material universe." Then I showed her the Bhagavad-gita.
She said, "Is that the Bhagavad-gita? I would like to have the Bhagavad-gita and give you a donation."
It turns out that one of her good friends had just become a devotee, and that she was going through some hard times herself and wanted something that would give her some guidance.
While visiting Kansas City, Murti das a sankirtan devotee in KC mentioned to me that the Phish band was coming to KC, and asked if I would like to come and distribute books.
I knew that this band would attract about 30,000 people and a lot of books could be distributed.
It brought back memories of years ago when we had as many as ten vans traveling around the country distributing books at concerts such as these for the entire summer. Sometimes there would be twenty-five devotees traveling around with one concert tour, thousands of books would be distributed in one day. Thinking of the fond memories I decided to go. I also thought it would be a good idea if all the devotees in the Temple came along since there would be so many people, they did.
Books were being distributed so easily, a couple of people at different occasions even approached me asking me what I had, after explaining what they were about they enthusiastically gave donations and took books. The last person I spoke to had a perfect sikha. I said, "We have the same hair style," and showed him mine. I mentioned to him that in India saintly people wear these sikhas and people offer respects to them because it's a sign of renunciation. Jokingly I said, "So, if you're feeling you're getting a lack of respect here just go to India with your sikha". He then took the book, gave a nice donation and a bear hug.
At the end of the day all the devotees were excited and enlivened by all the books that were distributed, some had their best days ever. As the devotees were moving empty boxes around to find places to sit, I said, "One of the most pleasing sounds for a sankirtan devotee is the sound of empty book boxes".
Hoping this meets you well in the nectar of book distribution,
I remain Your servant,
Vijaya dasa