
community center

Last week we were on our way to a small town called Anjalankoski, where there lives a nice man, a multi-engaged psychiatrist, youth leader, idealist, animal-rights activist, named Mr.Lehto. Two years ago he gave the largest donation I have ever received from one person. He took some 30 packets of prasadam, 2 books and 5 CDs, and gave 140 euros. He also attended our program two years ago. That program was externally small, with simple facilities, but enlivening for him.

On my way to that particular town again I phoned him. I didn't expect too much, since when you calculate these things, they don't usually happen again.

But he was fired up again. They had a new place, a kind of community center. We had long discussions, and Mr. Lehto offered the place free for use by our sankirtana group, and he also asked us to give some lectures and workshops in January. He donated 100 euros and took some prasadam, books and CDs.

Philosophially this person is kind of "all embracing" and may not immediatley surrender to Krsna, but he is very helpfull to us.

It is inspiring to see, that book distribution is not just simply planting the seeds nowadays, but further gardening also. There is a lot of potential for giving lectures, doing programs, etc. But as it is said, everthing is based on strong book distribution; otherwise, other projects don't fly.

Your Servent

Muniraja dasa

Author: admin

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