December Marathon
At Terminal 7 at Los Angeles Airport, I met a nice-looking black girl from Nairobi who lives in LA. She was crying when I tried to present the books, and she just said, "Please wait a little" and continued to sit there and cry. Then she showed me an invitation card, to let me know that someone else already approached her. She also said something like "I know about Krishna".
I asked her, "Can I help you? why are you crying?"
She said, "No one would take care of the children. My mother doesn't understand me; friends don't understand me."
Because she was emotional, I did not want to disturb her too much. I preached to her how we help children and adults by giving them books about spiritual knowledge. I mentioned Food for Life, but mainly talked about our books. She took the books but was still crying.
I started to preach about basic points of our philosophy to show her what a jewel she was getting. She listened carefully, and we established a nice relationship. She said that she had very deep experience of God and wanted to know more. She pulled out a hundred dollars and gave it to me. I said thank you to her respectfully and gave her a copy of every book I had, and then we exchanged email addresses. Later I found out that Brghupati prabhu had approached her in the same situation while she was crying. By Krishna's mercy and Brghupati's mercy, they prepared her for a full dose of mercy in the form of soft Bhagavad-Gita, Beyond Illusion and Doubt, and Library of Vedic Culture (all of Srila Prabhupada's books on CD).
Book Distribution, ki jaya!
Your Servant,
Prema Sankirtan das