Distribution on Radhastami

Mahananda Murari Prabhu met a friendly couple from Brasília in Curitiba. They are students of the world’s religions. He was once a Christian pastor, and at a certain point he realized that he should broaden his spiritual horizons. He began to welcome boooks from Eastern schools, as he did today, happily purchasing BBT books.

Their photo is attached, and in another photo we have Neto and Emelin.

They met devotees at other times and have some BBT books. Reading and trying to understand them, Neto had a realization. He said that everything became easier to understand once he made an effort to accept that Krishna is God. So today he was ready for the Gita.

On this auspicious anniversary of Srimati Radharani’s transcendental appearance, we pray for Her mercy that we may continue to serve the lotus feet of Her perfect servant, Srila Prabhupada, by distributing his books.



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