Don’t judge a book by the cover

Don’t judge a book by the cover

Often a book distributor develops a sixth sense that can judge a prospective customer. The way a person listens to the announcement, the way he looks at the devotee and books with rapid attention, and his body language – all give out subtle signals that an expert book distributor can perceive and pursue to distribute a book. Often the looks speak about the person – intelligent, intellectual, worried, spaced out, jolly, curious, suffering, etc. Appearance speaks volumes. But sometimes it's deceptive.

One day Pancha Pandava Prabhu was distributing books in the local trains of Mumbai. He made an announcement and showed the books to the commuters and then was standing at the exit door to disembark at the next station. Suddenly a man stumbled next to him. His clothes were disheveled and dirty, his hair was unkempt, his face was unshaven and his breath was reeking of alcohol. Men around him cursed and moved away. Pancha Pandava Prabhu cringed at his sight and tried to go around him but was blocked by the man.

"Hey, show me the book you have?" he demanded.

"Show a book to this drunkard?" Pancha Pandava Prabhu asked himself. "Is he sane enough to know what is the importance of these sacred books? Will he respect them? What will the people think if I speak to him?" A thousand questions crossed his mind and undecided Pancha Pandava Prabhu stood still.

"Don't you hear me man, I am interested in these books of God. Show me one?"

"Does he have money to pay for the books? What if he takes the book and runs away? What will I do, fight with this low class man in a public place?"

The man seemed to read Pancha Pandava Prabhu's mind. "You think I have no money? See this," he pulled out a wad of notes and shook them in the air. "How much does your book cost?"

Pancha Pandava Prabhu was so bewildered by the man's extravagant show of richness that he could only mutter, "Twenty rupees."

"That's all?," the man said and pulling out the money thumped it in the hand of Pancha Pandava Prabhu. "Give me my book."

Pancha Pandava Prabhu handed him a small book. The man raised the book close to his eyes and then touched it to his forehead, "I told you I like books of God. See how beautiful Lord Krishna looks. OK."

Holding the prized possession close to his heart the man fumbled his way out of the train at the next station. The entire incident proved to the devotee never to underestimate any person just on basis of his looks. Lord Chaitanya's mercy does not see whether the receiver is qualified or unqualified. You never know who may be the next receiver of the causeless mercy. And looks definitely are not the criteria for it. You can't judge a book by its cover.

Your Servant

Murari Gupta Das

Author: admin

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