Door to Door Book Distribution

Prabhupada Books

We had a door-to-door campaign in Pune India for the last ten days, which was an extremely satisfying experience. It's very encouraging to go home to home and meet many people who respond very positively to our book distribution. Some anecdotes . . .

When my wife and I went to a house in Patang Plaza, a boy opened the door and called his mother. She came to the door with a Bhagavad Gita in her hand and told us that she'd recently gotten it from a friend and had started to read it. In fact, she was reading it when we knocked on her door. We showed her a Krishna book, which she bought because she was so happy with the Bhagavad Gita. She invited us in and asked questions for fifteen minutes about our books and additional preaching material that ISKCON has.

In Laketown last week, when Vyasacarya's father and I went to a flat, a lady opened the door. I immediately put a Krishna book in her hand.

Before I could say anything, she said, "Today I chanted 'om namo bhagavate vasudevya' for a half hour and prayed to Krishna that I can read Srimad Bhagavatam, Tenth Canto."

She was thrilled to see Krishna book and immediately took two copies, one for herself and one for her sister.

At another house a lady opened the door and said, "Are you from ISKCON? This morning I was thinking, 'I want to buy a Bhagavad Gita.' Do you have one?'

We said, "Oh, yes, that's why we've come."

These types of experiences happen again and again in door-to-door distribution.

Your servant,
Krishna Kishore Dasa

Author: admin

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